Chapter 59: Welcome Home

Part IV: Garbageman

Fresco woke reluctantly. The memories of the last time this happened to him were still fresh, too real to ignore. If he opened his eyes to find himself on the same park bench he wasn't sure his sanity would survive.

He refused to try for a long time, even after he realized he was still indoors. It was too calm, the sounds and smells more like a hospital than a public playground. Still, the fact did little to reassure him. Besides, he wasn't feeling exactly himself. It was as if he'd been emotionally cut off or blunted in some way, his heart wrapped in cotton. The only feelings making it through were fear and despair, and even they were unfamiliar, softened things that couldn't possibly belong to him. Fresco was supposed to be fighting, but there was nothing there for him to hold onto.