Fresco felt the van slow and leaned forward to look out the windshield. This time, Gina didn't distract him. They pulled up to a narrow alley, the streetlight above doing its best to keep the night at bay.
"Gina, Fresco, hang back and observe. Jeremy, keep the van running. Mitch, Parker, you're with me."
Mitch gave Fresco the thumbs up, his bright blue eyes shimmering in the dim light. Fresco smiled back.
Parker threw the back doors open and slid out onto the pavement, disappearing immediately from view. Fresco scrambled to follow her when Gina gave him a gentle poke to get moving. The night was a little cool, the asphalt wet from a recent rain. Everything smelled so fresh, even for that part of the city.
He knew it, of course. Fresco spent a lot of time there. He was surprised to discover they weren't far from where he left the kids. His heart went right to them, his thoughts distracted. He wanted to help them so badly
they had to be warned, they had to run and hide