Chapter 76: Tears Of A Child

It didn't take long for the Master to come around.

We will succeed, he said as soon as he opened the link to One. There is no alternative.

One did not mention to the Master how uncomfortable he was alone. How he couldn't get the constant mental crying to stop or how hard it was to block the others without the Master to guide him. He never mentioned it because as soon as the connection returned he forgot all about it.

Yes, Master, One said.

You must go, the Master said. A child has entered the next phase. Bring him back here so we can proceed.

One was on his way immediately. But not by himself. Strom and the rest of his team, minus Mitch of course, met him at the van. One could tell Parker cried recently. His contempt returned. In that moment he realized he missed his daily dose of treatment, but let it go. One had orders. He could have the injection as soon as he returned.