Chapter 90: Some Kind Of Monster

Genvieve was already shooting off her mouth to Daniel when Fresco walked into the dining room.

"The alley was empty," she said, obviously wrapping up. "Like there was anyone in it in the first place. Little brother probably just fell down or something." Sophia snickered, but only because she had her back to the door and didn't see Fresco come in. The rest of Genvieve's posse fell dead silent.

"Thanks for having my back." He couldn't resist jibing her, especially when he saw the way his brother looked at him. Fresco's wounds bled freely and he knew from catching his refection in building windows and the way other pedestrians avoided him on the way back he looked like hell.

"Tell me what happened." Daniel sat, gesturing to Fresco who joined him. Genvieve looked fit to implode at any second. Fresco had enough of her and focused on his brother.