That confession floored even Fresco and he knew about her involvement with the original G.E.M. group. But she never told him she was the one who came up with Wasteland in the first place. He was lucky they were all so stunned by her confession, because it bought him the time he needed to get to her before all hell broke over them.
Great timing, he snapped at her.
Perfect, I'd say, she shot back. Now get the hell out of my way. I have a piper to pay and work to do.
Fresco didn't want to step aside. The look on Daniel's face made him afraid for Medley. But he did as she asked. The kids were yelling, some throwing things at her. The room was full of their fury, trembling and hazy with it as they manifested their power in protest. Yet none of them approached her or attacked her directly with their gifts, backing off as much as they did for Strom's passing.