Fresco stayed with his mother for one more moment, straightening her glasses, smoothing her hair with a shaking hand. At last he laid her out on the cool grass and stood up. He met Katherine's eyes through the shield and deliberately let it drop.
He didn't get the chance to kill her. The park was suddenly full of kids and Garbagemen and shouting guards in black suits. Fresco felt hands on him, pulling him away. He fought at first, but finally gave in as Daniel's mind tunneled through his grief and shook him hard.
She would have wanted you to survive.
Daniel was right. It was her only wish. Fresco turned and ran, but not from fear. He ran so he could find a way to make them all pay for what they had done.
It was Genvieve who pulled him to a halt two streets from the safe house and shoved him into a dark and abandoned alley.