Fresco waited outside Daniel's door for quite a while before his brother finally emerged.
"She's resting," he said, weariness all over his face.
Fresco didn't bother with the snide remark popping into his head. He didn't much care how Genvieve was, honestly, but he didn't see any use in troubling Daniel further so he held it back.
"You wanted to talk?" Best to get to the point. Fresco was tired himself, although if he was going to be truthful, he dreaded going to bed. He knew he wouldn't sleep, just turn Medley's death over and over in his mind, trying to figure out how he could have saved her. Daniel was a good distraction.
"This way." Daniel led him down the hall and to a small room. They moved safe houses again, this time without being under pursuit, so they had more time to bring things with them. Fresco perched on a complaining wooden chair that creaked loudly under him. Daniel settled on a pile of old mattresses with a heavy whoosh of breath.