Chapter 117: Liberation

They stayed together. Someone found the lights and everyone cried over the loss of the dead. No one suggested leaving them there alone. All through that dark and endless night they kept vigil over the bodies of the fallen.

Fresco sat down with his back propped against a wall and tried to rest. Parker was tucked in next to him, Daniel and Genvieve on his other side. Apple wormed her way into his lap and kissed him over and over again before settling in, humming under her breath. Then Peter, and finally Joey.

Who wouldn't meet his eyes. Fresco finally touched the boy's mind.

I betrayed you. Joey trembled. I thought it was your fault.

Come here.

Joey did, kneeling, falling over to rest his head between Fresco and Parker.

I'm glad you're all right, Fresco said.

You, too. Joey swiped at his nose with his sleeve. Parker slid her hands through his hair and leaned forward to kiss the boy's forehead.

There's nothing to forgive anymore, Fresco said. It's a new day. See?