Disastrous or Good News?

Kenneth was surprised by what Mijail's mother said.

He thought that his father permitted him to work in his penthouse. Kenneth was immersed in his thoughts when he saw a middle-aged man walking with a young man identical to Hackett.

"How is Mijail?" Heller asked the moment he saw his brother and mother.

He ignored Kenneth.

"Mr. Lewis" Mijail's father saluted him with a confused look, "What brings you here?" Mijail's father was respectful towards this young man.

"He was the one who called the ambulance and accompanied Mijail to the hospital" Kate answered.

"I appreciate your help, thank you," Kate's husband said while relaxing. For some reason, he tensed up when he saw that the heir of the Lewis was with his family. He thought that something major happened.

"Mr. Mo, you don't have to worry" Kenneth replied coldly. He returned to the usual him.

Frieda was surprised with the sudden change in Kenneth's attitude, but couldn't help but smile. Kenneth felt a gaze and looked at Frieda smiling at him. Frieda was a bit identical to her brother Mijail, just her hair was of a different color. However, Kenneth didn't felt the same as when he looked at Mijail's smile

"May I ask why my son was with you?" Mark asked doubtfully. Mark was the name of Mijail's father.

At that moment, the family and Kenneth were silent.

Just the moment Kate was going to answer her husband's question, Kenneth took the initiative to answer him.

"Our company is planing in the development of a Biology department, and I asked Mijail and his friends some questions at my house. After everyone left, just Mijail was at my house. I went to read some documents from the company when suddenly I heard something fall..." Kenneth related and after saying all of that, he continued with telling the truth after calling the ambulance.

Frieda and Hackett were impressed with the quick reaction and answer of Kenneth. Mijail's mother looked at Kenneth and then at her husband in silence. The story was really something one could believe.

"...And that's what happened" Kenneth finished and Kate confirmed what he said.

"I understand" Mark bowed slightly his head and entered Mijail's hospital room.

"I think its time for me to leave," Kenneth said bye and returned to his penthouse.


"Father..." Mijail looked at his father weakly.

"Are you fine Mijail?" his father asked worriedly while taking a seat next to him.

"I'm fine, the doctor said it was a little loss of blood"

"I see... Why didn't you told me you went to Lewis' heir's house?" his father asked immediately and his face was serious.

"I-I wanted to tell you, but my mother told me to keep it a secret to prevent making you feel tenser" Mijail answered weakly and quietly. He felt that his father was going to punish him.

"Sigh... Just try to tell me everything that involves you with him" his father said with a worried and tired face.

"I understand" Mijail quickly answered.

"I'll call your mother to tell you something important about work" his father got up and called Kate.

His mother came in with a happy face looking that her son's condition was better.

"Now that the three of us are alone, I'll talk about an opportunity that my boss gave me" Mark took a seat and began talking.

"An opportunity?" both, Kate and Mijail, were surprised and happy to hear such news.

"Yes, but it is something a bit complicated" his father explained, "One of my offspring needs to marry the young Miss Lewis, however, Hackett and Heller already have and engagement, and Frieda is too young. That left you only, Mijail"

"An arrange marriage?" Mijail's mother quickly connected the dots and was amused by what her husband was saying.

"Exactly" Mark didn't deny.

Mijail felt as if strong lighting struck him. He immediately recalled everything he learned of this parallel world and found something interesting: Arrange marriages still existed, but if one of the people was dating someone before the arrangement, they have the right to call it off. The problem was that Mijail wasn't dating someone like his old brothers.

"This..." Mijail didn't know how to react with the sudden news.

"The Lewis' head gave me a month to answer, so, Mijail, you have a month to think about these, if don't answer at the end of the month, I'll accede to the marriage," his father said solemnly.

"But Mark, what if Mijail has someone in his heart? You can't force him to marry someone he doesn't like?" Mom Kate went immediately into rescue.

"That's why I'm giving him a month to consider everything that is in his head"

"I'll think about it, thanks for the chance" Mijail finally said while thinking, 'Do I have someone I like'


Inside a penthouse.

A young was packing his things to return to the family's house. Suddenly a call came. While listening to what the other person from the other side of the line, the expression in that handsome face began to darken, and murderous and scary eyes appear. His hand that was holding a cup of wine suddenly chattered with the force he was exerting. The glass cut his beautiful and large hand and blood began to fall from his fist.

"...Also, your sister is waiting for you to came and she even baked some cupcakes for you. Oh, before I forget, you can bring some of your friends to pass Christmas here. I heard from Dave that you came more lively and made new friends. Of course, it's better if you invite them the next week; we want to have a time in family," a sweet voice came from the phone. One could tell that the owner was a woman.

"I understand mother, I just finished packing my things" completely different from his mother's voice, Kenneth's was cold and emotionless.