Chapter 9: Loyalties

It's dark in the hallway I find myself in, but only for a moment. As soon as the door behind me closes, lights switch on. We're not alone. Three kids, guards as well I can only guess, wait for us at the top of a short flight of stairs.

Beckett moves on without hesitation and I keep pace, Poppy hurrying along beside me. At the top of the stairs is another door, this one gaping. I can feel a draft coming toward me through it, tinged with the scent of more unwashed bodies and dust.

We enter a huge space, wide open aside from pillars supporting the vast ceiling. I am right, a warehouse. Stacked piles of crates and boxes are everywhere, an obstacle course of supplies and, from the labels I can read, canned food. The building echoes with conversation though I can't make out any individual words and the sounds fall silent as we pass the last stack and enter a large, open space in the center.

Large lights hang on thick chains overhead, bulbs the brightest I've seen so far. A large crowd of people watches us as we approach. My calm returns. They don't threaten or even speak, their attention locked. More unnerving than anything. I feel the skin between my shoulder blades start to twitch as they close in around us.

Beckett remains relaxed, at least in appearance, so I hold my calm and watch him. He stops near a heap of boxes, arranged into a kind of chair. A skinny young man sits on it, wispy carrot-red hair waving around him. I still feel air movement. This place is so large it almost has its own weather system, its own wind patterns.

Beckett nods. "Genki."

"Beckett." The redhead stays seated, a sour look on his overly freckled face. His pale green eyes flicker to me, over Poppy then back to Beckett. "What do you want?"

Beckett shrugs. "Just here to trade."

Genki snorts, spits at his feet. "You're not," he says. His gaze falls on me again. "Who's she?"

Beckett's shoulders tense. It's a slight motion, but I notice it immediately. If we have to fight, I fear we'll not make it. My hand tightens on Poppy's.

"Just one of my people." Beckett has far more poise than I thought he would. I'm impressed. Maybe Genki is too, though his anger is apparent.

"That's the girl the Crawlers were after." He sits back, fingers tapping on the surface of the rough wood of the arms of his chair. "She ran into Cade's crew then the Crawlers showed up."

"If you knew that already," Beckett says, tone mild, "why did you ask?"

"I don't like being lied to." Genki leans forward again, eyes slightly bulging.

"I didn't lie." Beckett turns and looks at me. "She's one of my people. And I'm here to trade."

Genki grunts. A kid leans toward him, whispers in his ear. He waves the girl away before glaring at Beckett.

"What do you want?" Same question, new attitude.

"Dauphine." It sounds like a name. Is that the seer? The crowd gasps, whispers for a moment, stills. "Trio needs to talk to her."

Genki shakes his head. "She's not available." There is a feeling to him suddenly, territorial and grasping, jealous almost, of what he has. He reminds me of a rat, perched on a garbage pile, fighting off those who would steal his useless treasures. "Anything else?"

Beckett's shoulders are still tight, but now they slump a little. "Nope."

Genki gestures and the guards who led us in turn, forcing us to retreat.

"Come back when you have a real trade." Genki is grinning now.

I don't like him. Not even a little bit.

"That's it?" I turn as Beckett walks past me. It can't be over this quickly. I have to talk to this girl if I can.

"He said no." Beckett's shrug is only noticeable because I'm watching him. "That's it."

I stop and turn, not thinking, only acting. I face Genki myself, see a flicker of fear in his face, how his people close around him.

"Please," I say. "I need to talk to Dauphine."

Beckett hisses at me, voice low and angry, but I ignore him and the tugging on my hand as Poppy tries to lead me away. Genki's scowl returns.

"Didn't you hear me?" He stands up, all gangly legs and spindly arms, not in the least threatening though he tries very hard. "This is my domain." He spreads his hands, gestures around him. "These are my people. And I say what happens here. And what doesn't."

Defeat. And while I have no idea if this girl could be of help to me, this seer as they call her, I feel despair rise and know hopelessness for the first time. He is nothing, this Genki, weak and pathetic, but he has numbers on his side and I am alone.

No, not alone. But I should be. I can't draw Beckett and Poppy into this. I decide then, standing there, staring up at Genki, I will send them back and return on my own to find Dauphine.

Does he see it in my face? That I've run the gamut of emotion and returned to resolve he can't control? It's hard to say. But he is clearly unhappy with my defiance and, when he gestures, one of his people grabs me.

I allow it. Even permit him to turn me around. I'm willing to leave.

For now.

Until a beautiful girl with jet black skin and pure white eyes forces her way through the crowd, both hands planting on my shoulders to stop my forward motion.

"Trio," she says softly. She turns from me, face lifting to where Genki sits. She is completely blind, I can tell, but somehow she finds him with her gaze. Her expression is hard and furious.

"What is the meaning of this?" She stalks toward him, jaw tight. "How dare you, Genki!"

He grumbles something under his breath, sinking back into his chair.

"Speak up then," she snaps.

"Nothing." Sullen, childish. The crowd shifts, uncomfortable with his weakness.

"You do not own me," she says, voice ringing in the vastness of the space. "I remain of my own free will. Do not ever assume again, Genki. Ever. This gift is mine to share with whomever I decide."

He won't look at her.

"Do you hear me?" She marches to him, stands at the bottom of the stairs of boxes, hands on hips, whole being vibrating with indignation. She is more powerful than anyone I've ever met, just in her presence. I'm grinning and can't stop myself.

"I hear you." He sighs. "I'm sorry."

"You'd best be." She turns away from him. "The next time is the last time, Genki. There are lots of folks who will take me in. Don't think I won't leave you."

I watch desperation cross his face before his eyes meet mine. He knows I've seen his weakness. And everything about him tells me he hates me for it.

Dauphine pauses before me, fingers finding my jacket. Her voice is soft when she leans close and speaks.

"Clone Three. Come with me."
