Chapter 34: All Together Now

My stomach full, I lean back from my plate and gulp the last of the water in my glass. I'm feeling a sense of urgency, as though things are finally moving ahead the way they are supposed to.

I turn to Beckett who watches Poppy feed the puppies scraps from the meal. "Socrates and I are going to go out," I say. "He thinks he has a way for me to get to New York."

Beckett's body jerks as if I've hit him. "I'll come with you."

"You don't have to," I say. "You're staying here with his people. Your part is done in this." I touch his arm gently. "I'm very grateful, Beckett, for everything. I wouldn't be here without you. But you've lost so many friends, had so much taken from you, you deserve the security of a new family." I look around at the laughing, happy group Socrates leads, catch the slow and kind nod from Emile and wonder at her calm. "This seems like the right place to take care of Poppy, too."

He nods once. "I'm still coming with you."