Chapter 38: Gault's Farewell

I look for Beckett, to tell him what I've seen, only to find him hovering over Poppy. It's then I know I have to leave, but I can't tell him. He'll want to come with me and this is his only chance to be safe. Socrates too. The boy is finally asleep himself, an open book on his chest.

It's easy to sneak past them all, sleeping so deeply, even Beckett who has his back to me. I retrieve my pack, head for the hub corridor. I need to speak to Vander, find another way out. I don't want to use the entrance we came in, just in case we were somehow followed. I wish now we'd figured out a way to cover the manhole, but will mention it to Vander before I leave.

I catch him entering Gault's room and follow. My hand finds his shoulder, turns him around. Tears streak down Vander's face and my heart stops for a moment.

"Gault?" I glance at the four-poster bed.

"He's almost gone." Vander chokes on the words. "It's happening so fast, I was sure he had time left."