Chapter 54: Desert Stop

It's not until the sun is going down I return to the others as the train slows then hisses to a stop. I hop down from the train to the hard-packed dirt at the side of the tracks to find my friends mixed with the crew, hunched over dinner. They welcome me silently as I take my own bowl and join them, Vander lighting a pile of kindling with a shining silver lighter. We seem to be more welcome here with the crew now, and I smile at Poppy for her brilliant idea of sharing the puppies with the others. I stroke Shade's soft black coat once as she wriggles into the curve under my raised knee, her brother burrowing close beside her.

"We're not traveling as fast," I say as I spoon up my first mouthful. "I know your train can move faster than this." I wink at Ande to take the sting out of my words. I hope he knows I'm not criticizing and from his wink back he does.