Chapter 57: New Mexico

Our third distraction of the day appears near sundown. It's not an obstacle but a city, rising from the horizon until it dominates the skyline. A worn sign reads "Albuquerque" so I know we're in New Mexico, still a long way from our destination but at least closer. It's almost nice to see the buildings appear, as though we're making progress at last.

I rush forward to the locomotive, find Chime hovering over Ande's shoulder.

"Do we stop?" Beckett almost runs into my back when I stop to speak, Socrates squeezing under one arm while Poppy wriggles under the other. Chime turns, scowls at the lot of us.

"The engine is off limits." Despite her snapping words both Socrates and Poppy ignore her, slipping in beside Ande who eagerly works the controls of the train.