Chapter 60: Doubt Before Trust

"It's obvious they aren't going to give up." Chime looks about as upset as I expected so no shock there. She shifts her position where she sits with a bowl of stew in her hands, her crew crowded around behind her.

"Which is why we agreed we can't stop at night anymore." Socrates speaks with authority and surprisingly Chime doesn't argue.

"They must be low on fuel by now." Vander is none the worse for wear after his mind-boggling leap to safety and I wonder just how resilient the Sick has made him.

"Not if they really are widespread," Socrates says. "If there are Crawlers everywhere, it makes sense they have access to fuel." He looks at me. "And munitions. Any idea what you were firing?"

Brick sets his empty bowl down, wiping his face with his sleeve. "They have some kind of concussive rounds," he says. "No real penetrating power, mostly brute force."