Chapter 75: Attack Of The Howls

We reach the street, find ourselves in the midst of a crowd of Teks heading for the gate. I run beside Beckett, heart in my throat as the siren sounds over and over again, louder as we approach the barrier.

Ever is at the control station when we pant our way to her side.

"Howls," she says, stress cracking her voice. "They attack from time to time, trying to get in." She doesn't say it but I know our arrival must have attracted them. We've put our new friends at risk and I can only hope the Howls stay on the outside of the barrier.

"But they can't get through." Beckett looks relieved, that expression fading as Ever looks up, biting her lip. "Can they?"

"They do at times," she says. "This section of the city is completely walled off, but not all of it is as secure as we'd like." Ever steps back from the console. "At least they are predictable in their attacks. They typically come to the gate."