Chapter 77: Protector

The boy flies backward with a cry, crashing into a pile of supplies. I'm rushing forward, calling for Duet, when I see Poppy crumpled herself, the puppies crouched at her side, whining and licking her face.

Duet turns, sees me, roars in rage so huge I actually fear her a moment.

Loud enough it brings others running even from the main car.

The dog rushes to Poppy, standing over her and his pups, eyes locked on the boy who groans a short distance away. The very fact he doesn't even glance at Duet tells me volumes, though as the door behind me slams open and, worst case scenario, Chime bursts through, I know his faithfulness won't cut it.

The crew crowds in behind, Beckett, Vander and Socrates with them, while I hurry forward to calm Duet.

"Tell me," I say as she roars again, whole body shaking.

She points at the boy, stares at me, going still and empty for a moment before she settles. "Trio," she says.