Chapter 91: Not Random

I stand over the graves of our three friends, dug as best Duet and I were able, as deep as we could though I still fear scavengers might find them. We've done what we can, shed mutual tears. Duet seems more broken up than I expected and I have to lead her back to the truck and the driver's seat.

"Not random." Duet stares out the windshield at the rising sun.

I look at her, not comprehending what she's said. "What?"

I didn't know she was holding something in her hand until she throws it at me. The object lands in my lap.

I know it, recognize it immediately. I've seen a weapon like this one before. "A Crawler taser." Not meant to incapacitate, but with enough voltage to kill.

Duet's eyes meet mine. "Not random," she repeats.