Chapter 104: Warehouse

We're near the outskirts of the city, down by the water, close to Battery Park. That alone makes me nervous. I feel like we should flee in the other direction, away from the statue of the green woman and the Crawlers who seem to own this part of the island.

But Chime and Ande move with confidence and little fear so I go with them, my friends too, in silence. I see Beckett looking around, Vander too, and know I'm not the only one who can't help but wonder if lies hide around every corner.

There are few Crawlers, surprisingly. I assumed Solo's headquarters was near here, but they seem to have cleared out. Searching for us, or is she hiding elsewhere? I have to find out. That's my first job.

Why do I have the feeling this won't be over unless I take the battle to her?