Chapter 109: The Gift

They listen with more patience than I would have, there in that underground garage surrounded by the ghosts of privilege. Beckett seems upset his fears are founded, that his father was the creator of the Sick.

"But not in the way you think." I squeeze his hand, still in mine. "This is a gift, or meant to be. Solo turned it into the means to make the world into what she wanted."

I let him brood, turning to Socrates. "The disk."

He nods. "You mentioned that. Just so happens, we might be able to figure it out after all."

When he gestures, I find a huge smile on my face, an odd joy giving me goosebumps. Just behind him, hidden in the shadows of the abandoned cars, is the SUV. Our SUV. Duet's creation.

"How?" I stand, go to it, run my hands over the plated metal, some black with electric charge.

"They couldn't make it run." Beckett stands beside me, hands in his back pockets. "So they left it there. We went back for it."