Chapter 112: Ever

We run forever, around the library, through the park, weaving and zigzagging, though in time the Crawlers stop their chase, turn around, go back. I have to wonder why. Can only assume Solo has other plans.

And now instead of just Poppy, she has Duet as well.

The calm fades from me as I pant to a halt near the mouth of West 43rd and 6th, the Avenue of the Americas. The name always made me smile when I was younger. Now it's just another name in another dead city.

This isn't my home. Not anymore.

The others are waiting for us inside the parking garage, hunched together near the entrance.

"We tried to stop her." Socrates hugs me. "But she went crazy, took the SUV." He looks around me at Beckett, the dog. "What happened?" Tears form in his eyes, spill over. "Where's Duet?" Her name comes out as a wail and I hug him close, not for the first time reminding myself he's just a boy. As brilliant as he is, as intelligent and thoughtful, he's still only a kid.