Chapter 116: Modified

I watch them a moment, the small crowd of kids, as they talk among themselves. How can I do what I know I need to, send them to their deaths so I can ensure they never live this life at all?

The dog's wet nose against my hand startles me out of my rigor and drives me forward, into their circle. Ever meets my eyes, hers steady, unjudging, open. She knows what I'm going to say already.

"We need to move quickly." I crouch in the center of the circle, hands dangling over my knees, eyes locked on an old stain in the concrete. "We're running out of time."

"What changed your mind?" Beckett's voice is soft, but his words cut me close.

"I know what I am." I meet his gaze without the guilt I was sure would come. "What has to happen now. And as much as I wish things could be different, this world, the way it is... it has to end."

"Then we move now." Ever stands even as I join her.

"An hour." I look down at the dog. "I just need an hour. Be ready."