Chapter 31: The Hole

Reid wakes to whispering voices and shadows hovering over him, passing in front of his closed lids. Someone holds his

right hand gently, fingers stroking the skin. His mind tells him it's Leila. He takes another moment of personal quiet

before opening his eyes.

It takes a little effort. The dust has bonded them together, gumming his lashes and making him blink over and over before

he can see. It still feels scratchy, like there is more of the stuff left in his eyes, but he can see and is alive and

Reid is very, very grateful.

Milo's is the first face Reid focuses on. The boy is hard to miss, hovering right above Reid, tear tracks running through

the powdered rock on his face. His giant brown eyes notice Reid is awake and widen even further. The boy cries out, a low

and pathetic sound, and collapses almost on top of his friend, hugging him awkwardly, choking sobs low but vibrating

through Reid's chest.