Chapter 38: The Lake

The kids scream as one when the lights go out. Reid can still see a flicker from the main room but where they are is now

blanketed in darkness. Shadows play across what little light reaches them and Reid curses himself.

He's gotten them trapped, cornered like rats, their only choices now death from the hunter's attack or drowning. No

choice at all.

Something skitters close to them and the pack erupts into another group shriek.

"Back!" Reid takes a step himself, feeling the cold water close over his sneaker. "Into the pond."

"It's cold!" Someone gasps right next to him. It sounds like Cole.

"It'll be easier to kill the critters," Reid says. That does it. The kids splash their way deeper, their panic driving

them into a knot of terror in the middle of the pond. Reid moves more slowly, still facing the entrance, his sneakers

sliding over wet rocks. Water climbs to his knees, making them ache even more, then over his thighs. Someone takes his