Chapter 43: Keep Moving

Reid tromps through the undergrowth, letting his mind run right down a road into a mess of anger, when he stumbles out of

the trees and onto a trail.

It looks so familiar he immediately freezes before darting back into the shrubs. It's a hunter's path, just like the ones

he ran on when this whole craziness started. Reid is so sure just setting foot on it will bring the hunters he crouches

in the bushes and pants his anxiety out.

When nothing happens and no one comes, Reid calms. It's not like there's cameras or sensors in the dirt. He doesn't think

so, anyway. Reid goes back out on the trail and listens. It's quiet, just the normal morning noises of birds, insects and

small animals, backed up by the sigh of leaves in the wind.

His relief is short-lived and brings him back into the real world. Resting in town last night was foolish, no matter how

good he feels now. He can't take that risk again. None of them can. And while the hunters may not be there yet, he is