Reid hovers in the undergrowth on the low hill overlooking the gate and tries to settle his heart. His excitement at
finally taking further action has triggered a resurgence of the tingling feeling in his body, his senses coming wildly
alert all over again. He forces himself to stillness while inside his mind ricochets around like an endlessly bouncing
Marcus crouches next to him, face a stone mask, but at least he's present and willing to help.
When they returned to the others earlier, Reid hadn't waited long to put his plan in motion.
"I need someone to come with me on the stakeout." Reid hadn't been surprised when Kieran immediately stepped forward, but
he was when Marcus shouldered his way past him, eyes empty.
"I'm coming with you." Marcus hadn't even paused, but headed out into the forest again. Reid turned back to Kieran who
looked so angry Reid was sure he would go after Marcus if Reid let him.