Chapter 58: Prisoner

Reid binds the unconscious hunter with more rope from the soldier's blind while Marcus checks for approaching forces. The

other two hunters are dead, Kieran flushed and grinning fiercely from his kill while Milo and Alex, surrounded by more

kids they rounded up, pant their way back onto the trail to claim the second. Safe for the moment, Reid sends them on

ahead while he finishes gagging the creature, careful of its very sharp teeth. When Reid bends to lift it, Marcus

immediately takes the feet, grunting from the weight. Reid hefts the creature by the shoulders, amazed at how easy it is.

As they make their way to the next established rendezvous point, with Marcus cursing and sweating from the effort, Reid

realizes he could shoulder the hunter and carry it himself without a problem.

He again thinks about the powder, the effect it has had on him, and stares at the back of Marcus's head. It would be nice