Reid runs for a while, trying to get his bearings. He knows the compound was pretty much due West but is on the far side
of where he saw the interstate his first night.
Then he shakes himself. The town. The sign. Of course. There has to be an off ramp around here somewhere. Reid stops long
enough to figure out where the town would be from his location while his mind taunts him. The sign could have been faked.
Maybe there's nothing out here but miles and miles of wilderness. But Reid won't let himself go there, not yet.
As he orients himself, he listens at the same time. He's so used to being in the forest by now he can easily filter out
the regular nighttime noises and pay attention to the unusual ones. He can hear commotion behind him, knows the soldiers
are searching for him. He ignores them. Off to his left, however, he hears something else.
Tires on pavement. His acute senses pick up the hum of rubber on asphalt and Reid's heart leaps.