Chapter 71: Hunters to Kill

Two hunters dive at him from the darkness, but he is ready for them. One broken tube is enough to kill them both. Reid

doesn't pause to witness the deaths of the two young men, now human again.

He's got more running to do.

Another one leaps in his way and dies as quickly. Reid is panting now, his side soaked with blood right down to his foot,

enough that it squelches into his sneaker with every step. His strength is leaving him but he can't stop, won't stop.

Reid has hunters to kill.

The envy he felt is gone. The terror is too. Only his need for survival remains, his old friend that has kept him alive

until now. But Reid hasn't been badly injured before in this game, has managed to stay whole and mostly unharmed, able to

keep running.

It seems even that small shred of luck has left him behind.

Reid runs for the gate, sees a knot of soldiers battling a handful of hunters, back lit by the fire that consumes the