Chapter 74: Hunter

He is on his feet. Everything is so clear around him, the sounds of the night painful to his sharp hearing. His eyes

flicker to the side, catch the scurry of a small rodent through the underbrush, vivid, crystal sharp in more color than

he has ever experienced.

He takes a moment to breathe, to feel his lungs expand, far past the capacity he is used to, the final twinge of healing

tissue almost pleasant in its pain. He looks down at his right hand, claws compact and horribly sharp while his left

remains human. He doesn't find this odd or strange. Never for a moment wonders why he is different from his brothers and

sisters, that his skin tone is pink and healthy, not the washed out white of the others.

He feels the strength of his body and the pure and utter joy of being alive and embraces it. This is what it is like to

be perfect.

The smell of blood is intoxicating. He looks down, sees three bodies, senses the soft organs within them, the tender