It isn't until he is running in the sunlight filtering through the heavy canopy that he realizes where he is. His eyes
drift sideways, flicker over the cutout pit full of white bones and ash. It's the first time he registers real emotion
and begins to think of himself as human again.
Reid pauses only one moment to look around, feeling bile rise to his throat, a scream of fury right behind it. The pit.
The mineshaft. All of it, right there in front of him.
Had they found the exit, he and the kids he ran with, they would have come out of the mountain almost exactly where they
went in.
The understanding fills him with so much rage his fists clench. He looks down at his hands, surprise cutting through his
His left curls forward, as human as he remembers. But then again, so is his right.
In fact, his whole body feels different, a rush of release easing a knot of something he didn't know existed inside him