Night is almost over when the chopper settles down in an industrial neighborhood. Reid can see the distant glow of a
city, the softer lights of the area they are in few and far between. An old warehouse hunkers across the parking lot.
"Everybody out!" The soldiers herd Reid and his friends out onto the pavement where more are waiting for them. Drew grabs
Reid's arm, shows him a bundle the boy has hidden inside his T-shirt. So Drew managed to do it. The fabric-wrapped
package smells of dust. Of course. That's why Drew was clutching his stomach back at the prison. To protect his cargo.
Reid nods to him. "All secure?"
Drew grins. "He'll get his dust," he says. "Exactly as you instructed."
Reid leads the way toward the darkened warehouse, his friends staying close, Minnie practically pressed to his legs as
she looks around. A small group of soldiers continue to herd them forward, weapons ready.
At least they aren't being shot on sight. That's an improvement over last time.