Dr. Lund's office is an airy oasis in comparison to the rest of the place. She's had it painted a pale purple, the walls
covered in art, a thick white rug covering most of the floor. But she can't disguise the bars on the windows even with
the gauzy curtains or take away the chill of concrete no matter the paint shade.
A prison is still a prison.
The guard shows Reid inside and closes the door behind him, leaving the two of them alone. She's shed her white lab coat,
dressed casually in jeans and sneakers, a printed t-shirt depicting a roller derby logo stretched across her narrow
chest. She holds her arms out to him with a broad smile.
"Reid. Come in."
She seats him next to her on a leather couch, holding his hand while he cringes from the contact and does his best not to
show it. The tubes are in his pocket, right between them. A shift of his hip and he could end it for them both.