Reid is already moving before the shockwave hits, dragging himself and Drew under the line of bunks. It doesn't offer
much in the way of protection, but they are far enough from the center of the blast that the thin mattresses absorb the
bulk of the impact.
They've all survived it, he sees, grateful for their changes, the speed of their reflexes. He doesn't hesitate, already
up and running toward the gap in the rear of the building.
No matter what is coming through it toward him, Reid knows it's their best shot at escape.
Reid hears muffled shouting from behind him, glances over his shoulder. Rhymer's mercenaries are fighting back as the
startled soldiers try to understand what is happening. Rhymer's face is bright red, his eyes fixed on Reid. This time
Reid doesn't hold back.
As he runs, he shoots the man his middle finger.
It's almost too much of a distraction but he can't resist. By then, black-clad mercenaries are rushing through the