Chapter 108: Clandestine Meeting

The rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur, and by the time Crew grudgingly stopped interrogating the remaining guests and returned to his office to talk to Mila Martin again, I was ready for bed even though it was only 7PM. We were running low on food supplies, though at least the collection of agents, coach and bodyguard who remained with us seemed to enjoy Mom's cooking. I didn't hear any complaints, at least. Maybe they weren't willing to speak up when Dad hovered in his looming and protective way.

They preferred instead to gripe about their circumstances, Evelyn and Julian both spending most of their mealtimes on their phones, Matt sitting in dejected silence, Carter off to one corner by himself observing like a good bodyguard. I was tempted to sit with him for my own meals but got the impression he was working despite his more casual attire and let him be.

Down, girl.