Dr. Aberstock didn't seem surprised to find me invading his space. If anything, he accepted my appearance with the kind of happy welcome that I'd seen him reserve for Dad and even Crew at crime scenes. I could take that as a compliment or the twisted truth I really did poke my nose in too often. Guess which one I beat myself with?
"Another day, another body, right, Fee?" He bent over his case, cape and jacket discarded, gloves on his hands, grunting softly as he pulled on a disposable white suit over his tuxedo. I ran to help when the hood got caught in his suspenders and he winked his gratitude. "Stupid protocols," he said. "I get it, but Crew's a bit of a stickler these days, more so than he's ever been." He shook his head, hood covering his hair, making him look like a round, squishy marshmallow with blood running from one corner of his beard and the black makeup he'd applied rather a ghastly counterpoint. "Gloves?"