Daisy paused in her cooking, likely thanks to the look on my face. Something I could only guess sat in between annoyed as all get out and introspective.
"Spill." She gestured at me grandly with her spatula like a good witch waving her wand.
"Tell me if this seems sketchy to you." I shared what I'd overheard and been told while she dished up two platters of varying items from more pastries to waffles to her delicious French bread. She finished when I did, handing me the plates which I balanced as she spoke.
"Sketchy beyond the ability to sketch further into sketchood," she said. "On all levels."
Thought so. "More importantly," I said, "why are Bonnie and Joyce suddenly so chummy when just last night they were mortal enemies over the man who cheated on them both?"
"I don't know, Fee," Daisy blinked her big eyes at me, "but I know someone who is going to dig until she finds out." Her wink and huge smile made me laugh.
Smartass bestie.