Chapter 307: Meddling

Wouldn't you know, life interrupted my pending delight at the end of one thorn in my side. I paused to answer my phone when it jangled its happy refrain, letting Dad and Crew go ahead of me, waving off my boyfriend when I noted the caller. My bestie had set the ring tone to her favorite song and the upbeat chorus seemed oddly appropriate at the moment. I answered with a lighter heart than I'd had in ages, actually smiling when I remembered we'd reconciled. So nice to have her back in my life again the way she was meant to be.

"Hey, Daisy," I said, standing just outside the door, the faint breeze a welcome wash of cooler air doing little to cut down the heat of so many people overwhelming the airflow of the hall. "You're missing all the excitement. I think Olivia's prepped to kick Geoffrey's butt."

Not sure how much of that she caught since my voice was still only audible every three out of four words, but she laughed as I finished so she must have gotten the gist.