Chapter 399: Supposed Murder

Liz let them argue a few moments, her head cocked as if trying to sort out what they were saying. Hoping to pick up something incriminating without interrupting the natural course of their fight? Clever, but only if they didn't mangle what they had to say with pitch and volume so aggressive the meaning got lost.

That was the truth in my case. I managed to register a few choice accusations, including botched competitions, inferior horses and something to do with Violet's seat, whatever that meant. Maybe Liz, more practiced at this sort of thing, managed to glean details from the mess of their screaming match, but if the growing frown on her face was any indicator, she wasn't enjoying the experience either.

Finally, clearly fed up and with her full on authority showing in the set of her shoulders, the FBI agent at my side interjected with a piercing whistle produced by two fingers between her full lips.