Chapter 401: Secret Identity

I sat next to the young man who slumped in the wooden chair across from Jill, Liz leaning against the deputy's desk with her arms crossed over her chest. I glanced anxiously at the reception area, spotting Rose on the phone, and knew Robert would be back at any moment if her pinched expression and hissing conversation told me anything.

Yeah, told me everything.

Jill didn't seem concerned by the nasty piece of work at the front desk playing tattle tale, however, as she conducted the interview that had Jimmy-sorry, Edward-nodding in dejected agreement.

"Agent Michaud is right," he said, lips thinned in what sounded like a mix of anger and bitter acceptance. "I'm Edward Worth." He made that sound like the worst burden in the world. What could make him not want to be himself? To hide who he really was?

"Mr. Worth," my deputy friend said, writing notes as her phone recorded the interview, "can you tell me why it is you've been lying about your identity?"