Being The Captain of The Martial Arts Club

Chapter 5

I wake up from a dream about switching schools and identities with a guy that looked just like me.

Blink blink, wait...why am I in this strange, but comfortable bed?

Bolts upright in the bed, looking around the room I was in, oh God, that really happened.

I scramble out of bed, scrambling to the door, I burst through it.

Adam looked up, "Well, look who decided to wake up. Come on, eat your breakfast. Hurry up, or we're going to be late."

I walked over to the table, sat down, picking up my fork, I began shoveling food into my mouth.

After eating, I changed my clothes then, I ran to the bathroom, after I peed and brushed my teeth I grabbed my backpack. Shouting, "I'm ready."

Adam rolled his eyes, "Finally, what took you so long?"

I opened my mouth to answer.

Adam grabbed my arm, "Nevermind, let's go, Thomas, is already waiting in the car."

I stumbled after Adam, "Okay, okay, I'm coming, give me a sec."

Slipping on my shoes, Adam was tapping his foot impatiently and muttering, hurry up, hurry up.

When Adam saw I had both my shoes on he grabbed my arm again, dragging me out the door, down the hall, and into the elevator, muttering about how if we were late, it was going to be my fault.

When we got into the care Thomas greeted us, "Good morning, Sir, Miss."

I smiled and greeted him back, "Good morning, Thomas."

Adam said annoyed, "G'mornin Thomas, now step on it, or we'll be late for school!"

The ride to school was quick, we were there before I knew it.

Adam said, "Bye Avery see ya later."

Stepping out of the car, I muttered, "Bye, Adam. Bye, Thomas."

Well, here goes the second day of school, but the first as Captain of the Martial Arts Club. Sigh, I hope I don't suck at this.

Walking into the gates, I went to my locker, just as I got there Mark went to his locker as well.

I smiled, "Good morning, Mark."

Mark nodded, "G'mornin, Adam."

I put the books I didn't need into the locker.

Mark turned toward me, "Hey, wanna walk to class with me?"

Nodding, I said, "Sure."

We hurried to our class. When we made it to our classroom, we slid into our seats.

All through the 1st through 6th, I was nervous about going to the Martial Arts Club.

What if they didn't want me as their Captain? What if I'm not good enough? What if they...All those thoughts jumbled around in my head, making me more and more nervous.

I sucked in a breath, closing my eyes, exhaling and thinking snap out of it, you'll be fine. I opened them okay, I'm calm now. I met Mark at A-5, walking in with my friend next to me gave me a little confidence.

I opened the door, William waved to me. Other than that nothing happened...I waisted all that time worrying about nothing?!

Ugh, that was so like me, worrying about nothing at all. Sigh. I waved back to William.

William nodded at me, it was a dude nod, the type of nods cool dudes give each other.

I walked over to William asking, "William? What does the Captain of this club do?"

William shrugged, "Unless anybody needs help on their form or theirs a tournament going on, nothing really."

I sighed, "When does this club usually end?"

William shrugged again, "3:30, 4:30-ish."

"Oh, okay," I sighed, how boring.

I turned to William, "Hey, do you want to spar with me?"

William looked up at the ceiling for a second before and answering, "Sure, why not."

I grinned.

I won every time we spared. Both exhausted, we took a water break, while on the break Mark came up to me saying he was leaving.

I nodded, smiling, "Bye Mark, see you tomorrow."

Looking at the clock, I saw that it was past 4:30. I looked over a William, noticing he was sitting on the ground. I walked over and offered him a hand he grabbed it. He tried to pull himself up, but instead, he brought me down to him.

I landed on top of him, with an oof. I looked up at him blushing.

William looked down at me, "Hey, you gonna get up or what?" I looked at him, he was also blushing, I jumped up and away from between his legs.

I stuttered out, "S-s-sorry, William!" I looked around the room, there was nobody left.

William got up trying to shrug it off, "It's fine, see you tomorrow," he walked to the changing rooms.

I quickly gathered my things, I left, still blushing a little. I called Adam.

Adam picked up on the first ring, "Hey Avery, the club went longer today."

Clearing my throat, "Hey, yeah, it did, when is Thomas going to be here?"

Adam answered, "4 minutes," then he hung up.

And thus, my first day as Captain of the Martial Arts Club ended.