Chapter 64

They didn't end up meeting with Drake until Sunday. By the time the cops had finished taking the report on the vandalism, tow trucks had arrived to take all three vehicles to the tire center and David had been drafted into chauffeur duty, it was close to dinnertime and they were all too annoyed to think clearly.

"So far, there's been nothing but property damage," Ben pointed out cool-headedly, over Chinese take-out, in Wesley's upscale condominium. "But if he starts to get too worried, I can see this guy upping the stakes. It's not a big leap from trashed houses and slashed tires to physical violence."

Dave was playing with his laptop. "Looks like he's getting ready to make a break for it," he grunted, snagging another slice and washing it down with a Great Lakes Ale. "The WYRM's been speeding up his embezzlement rate. Time to do some serious hacking, boys and girls. If he's getting this worried, he may be getting sloppy."