Chapter 25: Transmutation At Work

So easy to let terror take over, to allow it to try to eat me alive and just give up. Especially when the girl's voice begged me to, near weeping while she seemed to draw close though I couldn't find her in the darkness.

You'll get used to it, she sent, I promise. It's not so bad in here, once you accept there's no escape. That was supposed to make me feel better? It won't take long, just a little while. Her tone took on a sing song sound that leaned in the clearly lost her mind direction. Just what I needed. A cohabitant who'd cracked her cauldron.

We'll just see about that. I should have thanked her for cementing my resolve. Her defeatism instantly jolted me from my spiral downward into anxiety and horror and pinged against the stubborn nature I was born with.

Give up? At the first sign of trouble? I was a Hayle witch. There was always a way out.