Chapter 40: You Owe Us

Apologies, Reena sent. I didn't mean to startle you. The former Daeva of Demonicon didn't sound all that sorry. In fact, she kind of sounded amused. Not endearing at the moment.

Her partner in crime, on the other hand, was about as level and serious as they came.

Ethie, Mathias sent, the drach in him all quiet strength and rainbow sparkle light. That was, it would be if I could sense it. Still, I was familiar enough with his father's race I anticipated that experience, like body memory or some kind of afterimage in my mind. I was just grateful I could still connect with these two through my sorcery and our shared blood, even if the power that fed those sides of me wasn't accessible right now.

What do you two want? Okay, so I was being bitchy. They could judge me for it all they liked. Which Reena might but Mathias never would. Whatever. They didn't just have a confrontation with their jerk ass father, did they?