Chapter 47: Gabriel's Help

It took a bit to get through to him but as soon as I pinpointed Gabriel's remaining dark sorcery he reacted instantly, appearing through a portal he created and taking the place that Trill had occupied not so long ago. Quite the trade, from Creator who was to

Creator who had been. But I was at least used to him so my loss of brainpower wasn't an issue.

Sure it wasn't.

"Ethie." Gabriel hugged me, my eternally optimistic and amazing brother embracing me in his strong grip, the scent of fabric softener and the earth reminding me how much I missed him.

I clung back a long moment, wishing I could just leave with him. Or have him save me, find a way to break this for me, do his big brother thing and ride to my rescue. His hug deepened when I didn't let him go and I wondered if he knew where my mind was.