Chapter 60: Useful Information

Well, that request was hardly unexpected, though I'd thought he'd want me to kill Viviana first.

"Why him? And why don't you just do it?" I couldn't trust this slimy sorcerer, I was positive of that. Even if I didn't know what little I'd discovered over the years about the Black Souls-from how they'd imprisoned the werewolves and made them slaves forced to do their bidding all the way forward in time to the terrible impact they'd had on Femke

-there was an oily gross about him that made my skin crawl.

Besides, no way was I signing up to do his dirty work. I had enough of my own to handle, thank you. But, the more information he gave me, on the other hand, the better able I'd be to advise Mom and Nanna and GreatGram on just what the Black Souls were up to. Not to mention giving Damon and Stella the time they needed to free themselves the rest of the way.

The sorcerer scowled. "That's irrelevant," he said.