Chapter 35: Change Of Heart

With proof, solid proof, finally in my grasp, I summoned Ethpeal. I'd often considered having the echoes of the dead witches raised, but I was certain none of them knew who it was had killed them. Lilibeth's echo, on the other hand, was absolutely certain. Any Necromancer would be able to raise her to testify against her daughter.

Mahalia had finally cut her own throat and I couldn't have been more anxious to see to it she died a slow and painful death.

Ethpeal arrived right away, in a panic, until I told her what I knew, showed her the truth. Fury replaced her fear even as I begged her to come home and lead the coven.

"We need you," I said, pacing back and forth across the end of her old bed as she hovered near the window, radiating her rage. "Depose your mother and end this."