Chapter 39: Coven Leader

Ethpeal took us to Pennsylvania this time, the suburbs of Pittsburgh, though I had to say I was shocked at her choice. The suburbs? But the family had grown so large, over a hundred members, it was hard to fit that many in and around small towns any more, with new technology making it more difficult to hide.

We'd just settled into our split-level on a quiet cul-de-sac when the Dumont sisters came to see the baby. I'd met them before. Odette with her perfectly styled blonde hair and icy blue eyes and her simpering sister, the leader of the Purity coven, Naudia, and had to say I despised the pair of them on sight. They'd only visited a time or two during the pregnancy, enough to get my back up, but when they showed in our new house and looked around with sniffs of disdain for the size and décor, I wanted to strangle the both of them.