More than the telephones had changed, Anissa thought, looking around the grimly sterile hospital waiting-room. When had the men in charge decided that all babies should be born in such unpleasant surroundings, rather than in the comfort of the mother's own home? She leaned against a thick concrete window ledge and looked around at the harsh lights, plastic furniture and cold tile floors, then shivered.
David was right by her side, a place he had barely strayed from since the moment she had popped out of the box. She had been so terrified of the burly, shaggy man at first. Then she'd desired him with overwhelming lust. Now - now she drew such comfort just from having him beside her, though his scent still made her toes curl. All in less than a single day. "Cold?"
"A little." It was chilly in here and she was fully clothed. How awful it must be for the patients in those flimsy little shifts she had seen them wear.