Chapter 73

David dropped to his knees, the sword falling limply from his hands.

When Anissa ran to him, his arms automatically went around her, even though he would have sworn he didn't have the strength to even blink.

"You stupid, stupid man."

Since she was peppering his face with kisses, he didn't think she was too pissed off. Still, he took the easiest way he could think of to shut her up. He covered her lips with his.

Goddess, kissing her was like coming home. He held her tightly, praying he never had to let her go again. When they were both gasping for breath, he dragged his lips from hers and buried his face in her neck, loving the feel of her hair caressing his skin.

"If you ever try something that foolish again, I swear I will kill you myself!"

Anissa did not even try to hide the tears that were streaming down her cheeks. She just clung to David for all she was worth. "Do you think he is really gone this time?"